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Category: EU Law

The constitutional moment of the 1st of May 2004.

May 23, 2024
On 1 May 2024, ten new Member States, including Cyprus, joined the European Union. The 2004 enlargement has been heralded as a constitutional moment for Europe, due to the unification...

Recognition & Enforcement of EU Judgments in Cyprus

Oct 1, 2023
The Recast Brussels Regulation 1215/2012 The recognition and enforcement of judgements between European Member States is governed by the provisions of Regulation (EU) no. 1215/2012 of the European Parliament and...

No violation of the right to property. Decision by the Court of Justice on Cyprus haircut case.

Sep 21, 2016
The Court of Justice delivered on the 20th of September 2016 its judgment in the case filed by a number of Cypriot depositors who sufferred a haircut in March 2013...

Tax Alert. Automatic exchange of information on tax rulings of EU Member states.

Oct 9, 2015
The Commission has welcomed a unanimous agreement by Member States on the automatic exchange of information on cross-border tax rulings, just seven months after the presentation of the Commission’s ambitious proposal...

Facebook data and privacy. Important Judgment of the Court of Justice.

Oct 8, 2015
Judgment in Case C-362/14 Maximillian Schrems v Data Protection Commissioner Luxembourg, 6 October 2015 The Court of Justice declares that the Commission’s US Safe Harbour Decision is invalid Whilst the...

Loans in foreign currency and borrower’s rights, Part 2

May 27, 2014
On the 14th of April 2014 I wrote an article about loans in foreign currency and the rights of borrowers. The link to that article is here. The article dealt...

Enforcing EU rights in Cyprus

May 17, 2014
  The question often arises: How can a Cypriot citizen enforce rights stemming from European Union law in Cyprus? There are a number of ways that EU law can be...